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Good Jobs
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Basic (Entry-Level Service)

- 4 Job posting
- 2 featured jobs
- Job displayed for 25 days
- Company profile page (Dashboard)
- Access to limited candidate applications
- Automated email notifications for new applicants
- Standard listing on the job board
Standard (Mid-Tier Service)

- 7 Job posting
- 4 featured jobs
- Job displayed for 2 months
- Priority listing in job search results
- Resume database access (limited views)
- AI-based job recommendation to candidates
- Basic Company branding on job posts
- Basic employer analytics
- Premium Support 24/7
Extended (Premium Recruitment & Branding)

- All Enterprise features included
- Unlimited job postings
- Job displayed for 12 Months
- Social media job promotion (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter)
- Video job ads creation & promotion
- Detailed candidate analytics & reports
- Advanced ATS (Applicant Tracking System) integration
- Direct outreach to passive job seekers
- Exclusive email marketing to targeted candidates
- Unlimited featured job
- Online Candidate Screening (Online CBT with T&C)
- Premium Support 24/7
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